Sunday, October 11, 2015

National Coming Out Day

I haven't really posted much in here. Not for a couple of years. But today, I'm using this forum to come out on a few things about myself. I do this because today is Nation Coming Out Day.

I'm panromantic asexual  and gender fluid.

What does that mean, you ask? Let me break it down in a couple of categories.
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First you have gender fluid. It's a gender identity. It means that my own gender seems to fluctuate. Sometimes I feel like a woman. Sometimes I feel like a man. Most of the time however I  either feel like both, or neither. I don't feel like I fit into one other the other. This means for me, I prefer the pronoun 'they' and any other gender neutral titles and (pro)nouns what would explain my relationship to others.

Next is orientation. This is where the asexual comes into play. I'm, for the most part, asexual. This means I don't experience sexual attraction. This doesn't mean I haven't had sex, or never will, nor does it mean that I don't masturbate. It doesn't mean I can't think some person is hot (that's aesthetic attraction). What it means is I have no desire to have sexual relations with anyone. Being asexual also doesn't mean that I'm not interested in having a romantic relationship. I do in fact would like to spend my life with someone out there. And by someone, I mean anyone. This is where the panromantic comes to play.

Just because someone is asexual doesn't mean that we never want to get married or have kids or what not. That is why there is romantic attraction. I am panromantic. This means gender and sex is not a factor in my attraction toward someone. The person could be a man or woman, trans or cis, agender, trigender, intersex, ect. I don't care what is between their legs or in their heart and mind. I could fall in love with or crush anyone.

This is who I am. All I ask is that you accept me and not invalidate my identity.

I've listed some websites at the bottom for any inquiries you have.

It's Pronounced Metrosexual's Comprehensive List of LGBTQA Terms & Definitions
Gender Queer Identities
AVEN (Asexualtiy Visibility & Education Network)

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