Thursday, May 19, 2011

I am a Persephone.

The other day I found this Goddess Archetype Quiz. It peeked my interest so I decided to try it out. It took awhile to fill out (I wish the woman who made it learned out to do forms. It might have made things easier on the the quiz taker), but when I got my results, I was a bit surprised at how accurate it was to me.

These were my results:

Hera (-4) >Issues of Power< Persephone (34)
Demeter (13) >Issues of Relatedness< Aphrodite (17)
Athena (11) >Issues of Purpose< Artemis (9)
Hestia (8)

Yep, my highest score was Persephone, Goddess of the Underworld. Everything else seemed to be quite even.

So I went to check the description for Persephone. For anyone who knows me, knows personally knows that this is me. I may have gave you a link, but I'm going to copy and paste bits of the description and comment.

  • Typically, Persephone woman possesses a youthful face at any age. (Many people don't believe that I'm even old enough to drink, let alone be 26.)
  • She is a pleaser type whose tendency is not inclined toward assertive directness. (Yep, gotta make EVERYONE happy, at the cost of my own.)
  • She is responsiveness to the needs of others - has difficulty saying ‘no’ --difficulty recognizing and asserting her own boundaries. (see above comment)
  • Musing and intuitive nature rather than intellectual mind - difficulty ‘explaining’ her reasoning as it is an intuitive perception. (THAT hit's on the nail. I always have communication issues. I never seem to be able to express my thoughts accurately.)
  • Less at ease with/in her body & sexuality than other goddess types (I have body image issues. T.T)
  • Strong connection to spirit - deep ambivalence toward outer world & her sense of being misunderstood & alienated from conventional society
  • A primarily Persephone type, keenly sensitive, typically possesses a fragile ego structure, therefore, easily overwhelmed by feelings and impressions from her unconscious (I have a very low self-esteem, and a very sensitive pride.)
  • Persephone type has difficulty discriminating and has difficulty putting her impressions into words. (again, communication issues)
  • Keen ability to cross over into other realms of psychic consciousness - very at home in the world beyond the physical senses
  • Attracted to metaphysics, healing, intuitive, service-oriented work (well, I thinkt he title of my blog explains this.)
  • By nature she is reclusive/retreating, secretive, possessing a sensitive system requiring time away from external stimulation.
  • “Underworld” understood as ‘unconscious’--then, Persephone has been abducted to the ‘unconscious’--to deal with aspects of her own personal unconscious material and also the collective unconscious.
  • She experiences episodes of depression, and/or bouts of mysterious, difficult to diagnose illnesses. (not too sure about mysterious illnesses, thought I do tend to random problems that eventually go away, mostly pains.)
  • A primarily Persephone type is not promiscuous. She may be unwittingly drawn to partners that attempt to dominate/control her. As a protection she may shift to much younger lovers with whom she can mother and feel safe. (I do love to mother)

And then on down further:

  • Persephone’s personality
    • As a child & adolescent:
      • Quiet, unassuming, compliant, eager to please - similar to a willow - will tend to bend along with the circumstances or in relation to stronger personalities around her (Played barbies when I was too old for them, because my cousin, who was a few year my junior, still wanted to.)
      • Introverted, imaginative, often lives in her ‘own little world’ of make-believe, perhaps as a strategy to escape the unpleasantness she experiences in her family environment (My mom once told me she tried to discipline me by taking EVERYTHING out of my room save my homework so I would do it. Needless to say, she didn't take my bed sheets. I had them all tied up. Another time she put me int eh corner for time out, and found me playing 'finger puppets')
      • She often prefers playing alone, by herself.
      • She enjoys her solitude, a Persephone child may be found daydreaming, listening to music. (even now I do)
      • Unsure of her preferences, difficulty making decisions (again, if you knew me, you know how COMPLETELY indecisive I am)
      • Persephone child is often the family “problem” child or scape-goat because her sensitivities do not conform to family norms. (I wasn't really a 'scapegoat' or problem child, but I was sent to therapy for writing a yaoi (male/male shipping) fanfic.)
    • As a mature woman:
      • The mature Persephone has grappled with the maiden, Kore, aspect of her nature. She is learning to ‘tell her truth’ - rather than avoiding and/or lying to others in fear of displeasing them. She is learning to set healthy boundaries--saying ‘no’, rather than acting in manipulative, indirect or blaming ways to meet her needs--avoiding conflict. (I'm......still working on that. But at least I know that I am.)
      • The mature Persephone is learning to take care of herself, learning to meet her own needs, responsibly, as she understands, now, how she has blamed others in the past. (again, still working on that.)
      • The mature Persephone is developing a conscious relationship with her ‘inner male’, in Jungian terms, her animus, which means, developing her assertive/action nature.
      • The mature Persephone finds value and meaning in spiritual ritual.
      • The mature Persephone who has undergone her transformative experience in Hades is, now, equipped to guide others in their descent into the underworld. She is most compassionate, intuitive and wisely guides others in connecting with their own depth and meaning.
      • The mature Persephone may be found working as a healer, therapist, herbalist, Tarot card reader, astrologer, writer, photographer, musician, medical intuitive, gardener. (ALL of these things interest me.)
      • Persephone requires sufficient ‘alone’ time to regenerate her energies because she so absorbs the vibrations/emotions of those around her. Music, nature and mystical experiences recharge her batteries. (Again, very me)

These were taken straight from the Persephone description on Fine your Goddess Archetype and I suggest many of you, even males for you too have female energies, to take the test and see who you are. I found this quiz as an eye opener and it has helped me realize what to do in order for me, as a Persephone, descend into my Underworld.

What Goddess Archetype are you? Comment with your result.

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