Wiccan's are nature based, and to us Nature is God. Nature is Divine. The forces we call upon are the forces of the Divine. Christian used similar mysticism in their practices. This website aggravates me because they are so hypocritical in their words. They say not to try and convert us but then say to in another sentence.
What aggravates me as well is it's obvious that most of their information that comes from Wiccans are from fluffy bunnies. A fluffy bunny in the Pagan society is someone who is not truly serious in the spirituality of Wicca and Paganism. See here for more details.
“The further you get into Wicca, the further you will move into darkness. The further you move into darkness, the more hostile you may become to Christianity, the idea of the cross and its sacrifice, etc. Oftentimes those who are involved in occult practices develop an attraction for dark things, the nighttime, skulls, various forms of rebellion, dark clothing, and a desire for power. These things are the fingerprints of the enemy that gradually overtake a person involved in occult practices. Have you been touched by the enemy? Do you desire these things? If so, have you been touched by the darkness?”

“The reason the Bible forbids witchcraft is because the power that comes through the incantations and spells are derived from demonic forces, not from God.”
The line “Thou shall not suffer a witch to live.” First and for most, the bible has gone through SO many translations, and so exact words really shouldn't be taken literal. And also, though my own studies, the work 'witch' was originally 'sorcerer', in which back in those times, meant 'murder through poisoning', NOT a mysticism.
Also Occult does not mean evil or demonic. It actually means 'mystery'.
I went and looked at the Islam page and was more disturbed when I looked at their 'Muslims, pleas read this first' page. Not because it was worse. No, all they did was basically say that they apologize for anything that may be incorrect. But on the “Wiccans, please read this first' page, they say is that we unknowingly are in contact with evil.
“How do you know that what you are contacting is good or bad? What standard do you have by which you can judge whether or not the results you are getting are from the God and Goddess or are instead from some demonic forces that impersonate various deities in order to deceive you?”
How do we know? Because the forces we use are neither good nor evil. It's like saying a sword is bad. Now a Sword can be if used to kill others in cold blood, but what about in self or familial defense? Is it truly evil, completely evil, to use a weapon in defense of your own life or the life of a loved one.
I do believe that there are beings out their that create chaos and such, but chaos is not completely bad. It is necessary for change. It is natural. Just as order is. That is what Wiccan believe. Balance between opposites. Yin and Yang. It's law of nature. And Nature is what again? Nature is Divine. Nature is God.
Just because we celebrate both aspects of the Divine and not one does not make us unknowingly celebrating evil.
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