So, a couple of interesting things happened yesterday. Basically, money has been scarce for me. Luckily I have a great mom who helps out. I was needing just an extra 50 buck to pay off my bills before I got paid again. so I asked her if if I can borrow 50 buck, I do plan on returning the money back to her, whether she likes it or not. I feel bad because she helped me out on dental visits because i have no insurance, but I knew things would be worse if I didn't ask, because she'd be all worried and stressed out.
Anyways, I asked her for some money, and she told me that she always pull out forty bucks for herself, but today, she didn't know why but she felt like getting more out, for no reason at all. To me, the fates were telling her to pull out more to help me out just a bit. That or for some reason I think I might have had a hand in it magically. I don't know, but I do know is mom knew I needed the money of a subconscious level.
After that, I started to say something, I can't remember what it was, but thanks my communication issues, I said, "You're"
My mom looked at him for a moment and teasingly said, "Did you just call me a 'butt'? After me giving you money?"
I started laughing, but problem was...smiling hurts my non-existent tooth. My jaw is sore, so it hurt to laugh. I told her her she shouldn't make me laugh.
She laughed. "Good! Maybe you'll think twice before calling me a 'butt'."
She knew what I meant, and it made that time all more amusing.
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