Friday, May 20, 2011

"There is a kitten on your butt!"

Okay. I know this is not very spiritual or anything like that, but as I was just futzing around waiting to leave to go to the Cleopatra Exhibit, I ventured out of my room and to much of my amusement, saw my roomie's new kitten laying down, sleeping, between her butt cheeks.

I spoke to my roommate, "You have a kitten on your butt!"

She just stared up at me with a grin and said, "Yep."

So grabbed my phone to take a couple of pictures. I was afraid the cat might move before I could get a good shot, but after a couple I realized that he was dead to the world once again. (when he falls asleep, you can pick up his paw and let it plop down without so much as a twitch from him.)
It made me think of all the strange places cats will sleep. My roommates' other cat, Spork (this tiny kitten doesn't have a name yet, we just call him Crash), has a tendency of sleeping, or laying, on anything of importance to us. For example: cell phones, remotes, photos that I have strewn out as I re arrange my albums. Crash on the other hand, he likes sleeping on US. The problem with that is he is gonna be a BIG kitty. We are talking about those dog cats. HUGE!

Before living with my current roommates, I lived with someone who had a cat that slept in the bathroom sink. Yes, the bathroom sink. Hm, that makes me think of that Mean Kitty music video on youtube......

Anyhoo. I just wonder if these cats realize how much their choices of where to sleep amuses their owners. Thought I share and for anyone who reads this, lay a comment on some weird place you have found you kitty. Love to hear it.

Tomorrow I'm gonna post about my trip to the Cleopatra Exhibit.

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