Sunday, September 11, 2011

Two Twins

This is a poem I wrote about ten years ago the night after I heard about WTC. I found it appropriate to post this.

I know I'm a day late. Ended up forgetting.

Two Twins

Two brothers, twins, burn by terrorizing fury
Ashes and ashes, they fall and people do they bury
As families unite by this passion to hate
Anger and weariness does our hearts create
And now we stand here, lost and thursty for revenge
A thurst never to be quinched

The snow falls on this family's battlefield
Where worldly neighbors aid them without yield

Another day is gone But not our sun
It's light will forever shine
Over this family of thine

Another family member is injured by means of fire
And now the family does their hearts desire
To let their tears fall as did their loved ones
More vengence do they long
The family member hurt is the family's protector
But injury only made him stronger

The snow falls on this family's battlefield
Where worldly neighbors aid them without yield

Another day is gone But not our sun
It's light will forever shine
Over this family of thine

Another day goes by
And still this family will rise high
To the touch the heavenly sky

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Where's my Morals?

Morals. They define who we are and guide us between what is right and wrong. However I feel like this word had been tainted by fear and control.

Now we have gone a long way of changing our ideas of the perfect nuclear family, the mom and dad with two kids and a dog. But there are times when if find that people still seem to think that because someone else says it's wrong that it is.

I'm mostly talking about same sex couples. But not just them, some people still think that interracial or interreligious couple are wrong. But to be honest, who are they hurting? Who exactly are they causing harm? Some answer that the threaten the moral value of family.


Same sex couples they say they can't procreate.

So? Let them adopt. There are plenty of state children needing a home.

Because gays are not fit to raise children.

Not fit to raise a child? What about the idiot heterosexual couple leaving their child in the back of a car in the middle of 90 degree weather while they get drunk in a strip club?!

It boggles my mind that those kind of people can procreate and have children, but a loving and caring same sex parents cannot adopt a child in need of a safe home because it's "immoral". This kind of thinking is depriving children of wonderful and caring guardians. Sexual preference should NOT be a deciding factor for a potential parents.


Okay, the fact that I haven't posted in a LONG time, suggests that I'm not exactly adhering to my commitment to post here at least once a week. I'm a little angry at myself but here we go again. Gotta keep my mind on the positive.

So here I am again, revisiting a commitment and with no idea what to write about right now. ^^; I have a few posts that were started but never finished. Maybe I'll finish them and post one of them. ^^

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Symbols Part Three: The Ankh

Ankh literally means 'life'. All life. Earthly, spiritual and even underworldly. It is an ancient Egyptian symbol that is so old, many scholars are not sure of when or where it came from. Whether from a the shape of a sandal strap or that it is the rising sun, the loop being the sun, the horizontal bar the horizon and the vertical bar the sun's path, or even the Nile.

On walls of tombs, many gods are depicted feeding pharaohs an ankh, giving it the sub meaning, 'breath of life'. It is also said to be a gateway between this realm and to the Underworld. It unifies the male and female, through the loop (Sun, which is masculine) and horizontal bar (Earth, which is feminine), or through the cross being male and the loop being female. Mirrors, which are also doors to the otherside, were made in the shape of an ankh.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Symbols Part Two: The Caduceus

The Caduceus is a rod or staff with a knobbed top, a pair of sprouted wings and two serpents weaved around the staff. It is often mistaken with the rod of Asclepius, a staff with a single serpent wrapped around it representing Asclepius, Greek god of medicine and healing and son of Apollo. Because of this, the Caduceus is used in the medical and pharmaceutical fields. But it represents Hermes, the Messenger God and a patron of travelers, merchants and thieves.

There are stories behind the Caduceus. The one story is where Hermes stole some of Apollo's sacred cattle. To appease for what he did, Hermes fashioned a lyre. Apollo, in awe of the lyre, traded Hermes his staff. Another is one where Hermes had found two intertwined snakes, battling each other. He took his staff and drove in between the two snakes and brought peace between them.

Through the months in preparation on my tattoo, in which is now the Caduceus on my back, I did research in finding the meaning of this symbol has it has popped up a few times  in meditations, along with the Ankh and the Blood (or Knot) of Isis. During that time I also broke down the Caduceus into the parts that make up it.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Symbols Part One: The Goal

Been feeling like I have no idea what to write here anymore. I forgot how sometimes sharing can be the hardest thing for me. Communication has always been difficult for me.

But then last night I thought of doing a series of posts that goes through different symbols in Paganism as well as other religions and spiritual paths and describing their meanings, and then meditate on the meaning of the symbol to me and post my findings.

Tomorrow I will start with the Caduceus.

I hope this will help me some up with other thing to write about.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Self Love

I was told once by a woman, a customer of mine, how she felt so much better once she took Jesus into her heart. This made me think. Who is Jesus really? He is different for every person. To me, Jesus was a good man with the right type of thinking, with followers who had the wrong idea for the right reasons. Over time, those reasons became obscure and became power and control. That is just how I believe on this matter. Why would any religion be so keen on a non-believer to convert?

I think in a manner of way I to carry Jesus in my heart. Or at least try to. I just refer him to love. Isn't that what he was supposed to be about? Love? Now I'm not just talking about romantic or familiar or even through friendship. I think it mostly pertains to self love. Self acceptance. Because let's face it, do you really love yourself? Completely and unconditionally?

I know I don't completely. But I want to and I'm trying to. To love yourself is more difficult than to love another in my opinion. I love my family. I love my friends. But I still don't love myself completely.

I also remember a story of his I heard at a bible study group back when I was a teenager still trying to find my path. It was a story about how three were given gold. The first spent it all. The second buried it, and the third invested it. Only the third got more out of his gold than the first two brothers. It's a story about gifts and how we should share them with others and the world.

People say that singing is my gift. But that is difficult for me to share, but not at the same time. Sometimes I'm too shy and sometimes I'm searching for acceptance. Again, loving myself comes into play with that.

I guess everything comes down to love, which in my belief is the Divine. Unconditional love.

Friday, June 3, 2011

De"man"ing the Creeper

So yesterday my roomie took her kitten, Creeper is his name (from "There is a kitten on your butt!"), to get fixed, or as she calls it "his balls getting chopped off". This morning we left at about 6:45 to take a 20 minute drive down to the clinic to pick him up.

Well I had to go down south on the interstate, and I knew that, but apparently my brain had other plans and instead of taking the belt east to get to the interstate, I went west. I thought of turning around, but since my he navigation program on my phone just told me to keep going for a couple of miles I went ahead. I figured, what the hell? I'll go this way.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

An Epiphany of Enlightenment

A moment of being. An epiphany. My mother calls it an "Ah ha!" moment. Whatever term you use or make up, those moments have helped me see the world, or myself, in a different view. Many of which happened in my more recent years. Such as a moment at one of my great uncles' funeral, where I learned the connection of death between us all and how it is only just the last great journey in our short lives. With such a short time to fill that indiscriminate void in our hearts and souls, a women came to me about Jesus, giving me another epiphany. She said that Jesus was inside her. I remember thinking that I had found "Jesus," though I use a different term. Gaia. Earth. Be it God, Allah, Jesus, Mother Earth or even the "Force," to me those terms were all synonyms to each other. But the one moment of being that pops most in my head was when I was much younger.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Digital Crack

Sorry, been preoccupied with my 'crack', City of Heroes. It's a multi mass online role play game, aka MMORPG. It's super hero themed. I like it. I can play a hero, a villain, or something in between.

And yes, I called it my crack.

City of Heroes, or mmos in general are an addiction for me. It mostly was World of Warcraft (WoW), which some of you might actually have heard of it. Then I found City of Heroes (CoH). I used to play both of them at one point, but soon had to quit one and just play the other because I can't afford paying for both of them.

For a while there it was just WoW. Got my main up to the highest level. Then got tired of it really fast. I don't like doing the same thing everyday. I like variety. And it was hard to play with my friends because they were doing what I was bored of. So I switch back to CoH, because in CoH, I can feed my ADD tendencies where I make a new type of character that I haven't played before. In WoW, you have only so many classes, which are limited by race, and there 14 to chose from, seven on each faction.

Now with CoH, There may be less options on archetypes (class) or origins (race), but after you chose those, you have numerous power combinations. And after that, your missions vary depending on what you are doing or who you chose as a contact.  In WoW, almost ALL quests (missions) are available to all in the faction.

Sorry that thise probably goes way over your head, and sorry I haven't been posting anything. I kinda let two days pass by rather quickly thanks to CoH. ^^; I tend to write my posts at night and put them on a scheduled post, but the past couple of nights I've been WAY too tired to do anything.

If you do play City of Heroes, or want interested in it, let me know.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Six Breasted Dream

I had a dream last night of myself getting a few new piercing. One in my nose, one in my lip, one in my navel and six nipple piercings. You read right. SIX. Not three on each one mind you. In the dream I had six breasts. my friend and roommate was in the dream and thought all my piercings were awesome.

I told my friend and she told me to go look up more information.

So I did and found out that there is a temple in Ephesus that dates back to the bronze age. This temple is famously known as the Temple of Artemis, or the Temple of Diana. There is a statue inside of a multi-breasted goddess. She is also highly associated with the mother goddess, which makes more since.

I did more research and found that these were mistaken as breasts, but are just pieces of her necklace or dress.

I found another goddess who is said to have multiple breasts: the Inca goddess Mama Allpa. She a fertility goddess.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Passive Agressive Ignorance

GRR!! While I appreciate these people actually acknowledge that Wiccans don't knowingly worship the devil, they still seem to think that we do unknowingly. I'm a little appalled at how they write about Wiccans. Some things they have right. Most are wrong. And they do this don't insult these deceived people who don't realize the forces they call upon are demonic. Seriously?!

Wiccan's are nature based, and to us Nature is God. Nature is Divine. The forces we call upon are the forces of the Divine. Christian used similar mysticism in their practices. This website aggravates me because they are so hypocritical in their words. They say not to try and convert us but then say to in another sentence.

What aggravates me as well is it's obvious that most of their information that comes from Wiccans are from fluffy bunnies. A fluffy bunny in the Pagan society is someone who is not truly serious in the spirituality of Wicca and Paganism. See here for more details.

“The further you get into Wicca, the further you will move into darkness. The further you move into darkness, the more hostile you may become to Christianity, the idea of the cross and its sacrifice, etc.  Oftentimes those who are involved in occult practices develop an attraction for dark things, the nighttime, skulls, various forms of rebellion, dark clothing, and a desire for power. These things are the fingerprints of the enemy that gradually overtake a person involved in occult practices.  Have you been touched by the enemy?  Do you desire these things?  If so, have you been touched by the darkness?”

First off. There is NOTHING evil about darkness. Darkness is the unknown. Darkness is our animal instincts and desires. Darkness is intuitive. Darkness helps keep us in balance. There is nothing wrong with nighttime. Not with dark clothing, but not all Wiccan wear dark clothing and not all who where dark clothing are Wiccan.

“The reason the Bible forbids witchcraft is because the power that comes through the incantations and spells are derived from demonic forces, not from God.”

The line “Thou shall not suffer a witch to live.” First and for most, the bible has gone through SO many translations, and so exact words really shouldn't be taken literal. And also, though my own studies, the work 'witch' was originally 'sorcerer', in which back in those times, meant 'murder through poisoning', NOT a mysticism.

Also Occult does not mean evil or demonic. It actually means 'mystery'.

I went and looked at the Islam page and was more disturbed when I looked at their 'Muslims, pleas read this first' page. Not because it was worse. No, all they did was basically say that they apologize for anything that may be incorrect. But on the “Wiccans, please read this first' page, they say is that we unknowingly are in contact with evil.

“How do you know that what you are contacting is good or bad? What standard do you have by which you can judge whether or not the results you are getting are from the God and Goddess or are instead from some demonic forces that impersonate various deities in order to deceive you?”

How do we know? Because the forces we use are neither good nor evil. It's like saying a sword is bad. Now a Sword can be if used to kill others in cold blood, but what about in self or familial defense? Is it truly evil, completely evil, to use a weapon in defense of your own life or the life of a loved one.

I do believe that there are beings out their that create chaos and such, but chaos is not completely bad. It is necessary for change. It is natural. Just as order is. That is what Wiccan believe. Balance between opposites. Yin and Yang. It's law of nature. And Nature is what again? Nature is Divine. Nature is God.

Just because we celebrate both aspects of the Divine and not one does not make us unknowingly celebrating evil.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Moms' are "Buts"

So, a couple of interesting things happened yesterday. Basically, money has been scarce for me. Luckily I have a great mom who helps out. I was needing just an extra 50 buck to pay off my bills before I got paid again. so I asked her if if I can borrow 50 buck, I do plan on returning the money back to her, whether she likes it or not.  I feel bad because she helped me out on dental visits because i have no insurance, but I knew things would be worse if I didn't ask, because she'd be all worried and stressed out.

Anyways, I asked her for some money, and she told me that she always pull out forty bucks for herself, but today, she didn't know why but she felt like getting more out, for no reason at all. To me, the fates were telling her to pull out more to help me out just a bit. That or for some reason I think I might have had a hand in it magically. I don't know, but I do know is mom knew I needed the money of a subconscious level.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Pulled tooth

Got my tooth pulled yesterday. Been laying around most of the time so that is why I don't really have a post until now. Couldn't come up with anything. I'll come up with something tomorrow. Right now I'm still in a little pain from the gaping hole in my gums.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Horror of Life without Love

the Horror of Life without Love.
the Love that Blossoms
Within the Soul
to Fill the World
with Unimaginable Joy

the Horror of Life without Love
the Love that Brings
One of Wealth and One of Need
Eccetra, Eccetra

the Horror of Life: Hate

Hate that which is caused by
Fear that which is caused by
Ignorance and Stupidity.

we Hate what we Fear.
we Fear what we Don't Know.
Why don't we Know?
because we Choose Not to.

it's Easier to Hate
than to Learn to Love.

Wanted to share this poem I wrote several yeas ago. Hope you like it.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Nameste Meditation

I did what a friend suggested that I do and meditate with a specific track. I realized that I did do this meditation when I went with her and her husband to Ocracoke. When I had this meditation (last night's and the Ocracoke one), the inner self that greeted me didn't look quite like me. First off she was skinny and her hair was down to her knees and very curly. She wore a white dress and veil over her head. she also bore a deer mask with antlers.

The thing is I knew was me, but she looked nothing like me save the dark brown hair. And no matter how hard I tried to do this meditation last night without the influence of the one in Ocracoke, I couldn't. When the guy in the meditation said that a figure walk up to me, that was who I saw.

I can't tell if it was just the influence of the last meditation, or if it she is my inner self. I don't mind, she was beautiful. She was someone that I wanted to look like. Someone I wanted to be.

Tell me what you think.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Self Evaluation

So yesterday I received my Annual Performance Review at where I work. The past fall, we were required to fill out a self evaluation. These self evaluations are very difficult for me because I have to correct, and my assumptions of myself rarely are until I see an example. Needless to say I was very nervous coming down to the office. I entered and we started with the overview of my evaluation.

There were three main things that I  need to work on. One of which I have been, which is coming to work on time. I had some issues with oversleeping for a while, but so far I've haven't been more than just a couple minutes late. Usually I'm at the most, fifteen minutes early, and on rare occasion 20-30 minutes early. The other two I knew I needed to work on, but didn't realize how much it actually affected my job performance.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Yes, I'm a witch. And I'm proud of it!

Not much to say today. Been rather lethargic and depressed the past couple of days. Things like this happen to me. But I think I might introduce myself a bit more in this post.

I was born on a Friday at exactly 5:30 in the evening. It was the Day of the Dead, which giving when I was born, explains a lot about my own personality. I was born into a Methodist family with several great uncles who were pastors, one of them only alive today. I grew up without a father, but not because I was unwanted. My father had sadly passed away when I was about two years old. So with that, I was raised by my mother, but had a grandfather and two local uncles who helped fill in the father figure gap in their own distinct ways.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lost blog post

I had a post for today, well yesterday, up and some how I think I accidentally deleted it. I wish I had saved it somewhere but I have no idea where or how to recover it so I'm just not gonna repose it. So I'm jsut gonna just say, Thank you Blogger for making this so confusing on you mobile app, that I start deleted posts that I think are just drafts and not the ACTUAL POST. Night all.

Edit: HAHA!!! Found it in my browser history! Thank you Blogger Tips and Tricks! It's now the post below this.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cleopatra: An icon of female confidence and power.

At least for me she is. Last night I went to the Cleopatra Exhibit at the Cincinnati Museum Center with a group of fellow pagans. Through out the exhibit, it was told that many thought Cleopatra to be some kind of scandalous woman who used men to gain power. Maybe that is true, but to be honest, that is not how I feel she represents.

To me, as the title of this post present, confidence and power. But she also represents the balance of both male and female energies. She is both wise and patient, but also she knows to take action when it is due. Also, when walking through that exhibit, I realized that not only did she seem like a balance in male and female, but also a balance between Rome and Egypt.

Friday, May 20, 2011

"There is a kitten on your butt!"

Okay. I know this is not very spiritual or anything like that, but as I was just futzing around waiting to leave to go to the Cleopatra Exhibit, I ventured out of my room and to much of my amusement, saw my roomie's new kitten laying down, sleeping, between her butt cheeks.

I spoke to my roommate, "You have a kitten on your butt!"

She just stared up at me with a grin and said, "Yep."

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I am a Persephone.

The other day I found this Goddess Archetype Quiz. It peeked my interest so I decided to try it out. It took awhile to fill out (I wish the woman who made it learned out to do forms. It might have made things easier on the the quiz taker), but when I got my results, I was a bit surprised at how accurate it was to me.

These were my results:

Hera (-4) >Issues of Power< Persephone (34)
Demeter (13) >Issues of Relatedness< Aphrodite (17)
Athena (11) >Issues of Purpose< Artemis (9)
Hestia (8)

Yep, my highest score was Persephone, Goddess of the Underworld. Everything else seemed to be quite even.

So I went to check the description for Persephone. For anyone who knows me, knows personally knows that this is me. I may have gave you a link, but I'm going to copy and paste bits of the description and comment.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First Introductions.

I'm hoping to make this at the very least a weekly thing as I do not do well doing daily stuff. ^^;

This is where I hope to record any spiritual/magical experiences, or even spiritual or religious thoughts on the world. Maybe I'll get a following, maybe I won't, but I'm hoping that these posts will help see my growth. Any comments are welcome on any of my posts.