Friday, June 3, 2011

De"man"ing the Creeper

So yesterday my roomie took her kitten, Creeper is his name (from "There is a kitten on your butt!"), to get fixed, or as she calls it "his balls getting chopped off". This morning we left at about 6:45 to take a 20 minute drive down to the clinic to pick him up.

Well I had to go down south on the interstate, and I knew that, but apparently my brain had other plans and instead of taking the belt east to get to the interstate, I went west. I thought of turning around, but since my he navigation program on my phone just told me to keep going for a couple of miles I went ahead. I figured, what the hell? I'll go this way.

Yea. Needless to day, not only did it add about ten minutes to the drive, but the route had me doing a HUGE loop around to get on to the interstate. It would have taking less time to have turned around.

But we got there and Creeper was perfectly fine. The lady who went to get him for use said she had to make sure he was still in the carrier since he was so tiny. And yes, he is tiny, but will grow up to be HUGE.

My roomie took Creepy and put him int he car and while we were sitting there as I tried to get directions back up onto the interstate, Creeper started mewing up a storm. So my roomie decided to give him his pain meds as I was trying to get my phone to work. When let him out of the carrier, he immediately started to purr and rub against her hand and lick. But he was a good boy and went back in the carrier without too much of a fuss and we went on are way back home.

Ir was an amusing drive because Creeper was completely fine went we were moving, but once we stopped at lights or to get gas, he would mew and mew and mew. Poor thing.

After we got home, he start jumping and playing as if nothing was wrong. Spork, their older cat, seems to be unsure about Creeper. Creeper knew who she was and proceeded to play with her. To Spork, it was a strange cat attacking. She hissed and batted at him instead of the usually play back. She was not amused. ^^;

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