A moment of being. An epiphany. My mother calls it an "Ah ha!" moment. Whatever term you use or make up, those moments have helped me see the world, or myself, in a different view. Many of which happened in my more recent years. Such as a moment at one of my great uncles' funeral, where I learned the connection of death between us all and how it is only just the last great journey in our short lives. With such a short time to fill that indiscriminate void in our hearts and souls, a women came to me about Jesus, giving me another epiphany. She said that Jesus was inside her. I remember thinking that I had found "Jesus," though I use a different term. Gaia. Earth. Be it God, Allah, Jesus, Mother Earth or even the "Force," to me those terms were all synonyms to each other. But the one moment of being that pops most in my head was when I was much younger.

That moment of being, that "Ah ha!" moment, has opened my eyes to my own intuition. It allowed that intuition to guide me spiritually and help me better myself. May future moments of being bring me further down my spiritual path and give me more insight to my higher being.
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